Scientology follows a long tradition of religious practice. Its roots lie in the deepest beliefs and aspirations of all great religions, thus encompassing a religious heritage as old and as varied as Man himself.
Though it draws on the wisdom of some 50,000 years, Scientology is a new religion, one that has isolated fundamental laws of life and, for the first time, developed a workable technology that can be applied to help people achieve a happier and more spiritual existence in the here and now.
That the development and rapid promulgation of Scientology were made possible, in part by advances in the physical sciences through the first half of the twentieth century, is significant. For it bridges Eastern philosophy with Western thought. In that way, Scientology constitutes Man’s first real application of scientific methodology to spiritual questions.
The Creeds and Codes of Scientology
Adherents of every religion are bound together by creeds and codes.
These creeds state their aspirations, their duties, their mores and their beliefs. They align the religion’s purposes and reinforce the basic tenets of the religion.
The codes and creeds of Scientology were written by L. Ron Hubbard in the 1950s during the formative years of the religion. They set the guidelines for the practice and expansion of Scientology and still serve those ends today.
Included in these creeds are codes for the auditor, the supervisor, the manager and additional codes by which all Scientologists strive to live. Like Scientology, the usefulness of these principles determines their worth. Scientologists follow these precepts in applying Scientology Technology, in dealings with others and in the administration of their groups and the practice of their religion.
As the founder of the Scientology religion and the sole author of its scripture, L. Ron Hubbard is respected by Scientologists throughout the world. He is remembered not as one to be idolized or worshiped but as a man whose legacy is the religion of Scientology which still lives on. Some understanding of his background serves to illustrate how he came to discover the truths of the Scientology religion.
Representing the basic truths of life, the Logics and Axioms form the foundation upon which Dianetics and Scientology were built. Mr. Hubbard spent more than fifty years distilling the accumulated sum of Man’s wisdom, probing ever deeper into life’s mysteries to discover these Axioms.
These are the central considerations and natural laws which contain the answers to life and its interaction with the physical universe. Dianetics and Scientology in their entirety flow from these basic truths. All later discoveries fall within the bounds of truth described in these Logics and Axioms.
The Factors embody the general considerations by which the game of life is played.
Many higher states of existence are available to Man, and these are attainable through Scientology. L. Ron Hubbard provided a precise delineation of these states, and then clarified how they could be attained by arranging them on a chart which graphically showed each step of the route upward.
Just as Scientology is a truly unique, contemporary religion, David Miscavige is a truly unique, contemporary religious leader.
To find out more about what Scientologists believe and practice, the best source of information are L. Ron Hubbard’s books Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health and Scientology: A New Slant on Life.
A full description of the religion, its many Churches and related social betterment programs can be found online at and the Scientology Video Channel.