The creators of the animated film Young David intend to make “one of the greatest biblical animated films in history,” and provide “ family entertainment.”

Announced with a press release on Religion News Service June 8, the project is a partnership between Minno, Slingshot USA, and Sunrise Animation Studios.
With more than 1.3 million views, the film’s YouTube Demo Video shows the polish and style of the best films of the genre.
Young David is scheduled for release in the autumn of 2023. It is intended as “a prequel limited animation series” to “complement the full-length animated feature film, David, to be released in 2025 by Slingshot USA and Sunrise Animation Studios in partnership with Angel Studios.”
Young David will feature three original songs from Grammy Award-winning songwriter Jonas Myrin.
“Kids deserve incredible, best-in-class stories,” says Erick Goss, CEO and cofounder of Minno. “We want to invest in projects that tell excellent stories and spark important conversations, and Young David is one of those projects. It’s exciting to be working on a series that represents the faith traditions of so many people globally.”
Director Phil Cunningham expresses his hope that the film will inspire those watching “to believe and live as fearlessly as David.”
Minno is a media and tech company providing on-screen Christian faith content. David is Slingshot USA’s first film. Their vision is “to work with the world’s best creative talent, to bring high-quality entertainment to families.” Sunrise Animation Studios is an animation studio with a passion to “inspire through story.”
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The Founder of the Scientology religion is L. Ron Hubbard and Mr. David Miscavige is the religion’s ecclesiastical leader.
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