Latest Posts

May 30, 2024   •   

Film: The Interpreter of Silence —Unburying The Holocaust

An important if brutal reminder of Auschwitz, streaming on Hulu and Disney

March 23, 2024   •   

Purim—Symbol of a Neverending Story

A minor Jewish holiday, Purim lives on as a symbol.

December 18, 2023   •   

Three Menorahs: Three Stories

The Hanukkah menorahs the Second Couple light this holiday reflect in their stories and symbolism of the twin elements of Jewish history—despair and joy.

November 15, 2023   •   

Nearly 300,000 in D.C. Rally Against Antisemitism

Calling for an end to antisemitism in America and everywhere

November 14, 2023   •   

ADL and CAIR Report Dramatic Surge in Antisemitic and Islamophobic Incidents

Public officials urged to do everything in their power to stem the rising tide of hatred

August 29, 2023   •   

Anti-Defamation League Welcomes the Release of First Comprehensive U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism

ADL pledges to support this initiative

November 27, 2022   •   

World War II Operetta by Holocaust Survivors Premieres After 77 Years

In 1944 they escaped the Nazis and were allowed to stay in the United States­­ provided they each signed an agreement to return to Europe at war’s end.

August 23, 2022   •   

Hungarian Prime Minister’s Racist Comments Earn Condemnation

Mr. Orban’s remarks are “a violation of human dignity and morals,” says Hungarian chief rabbi Robert Frölich.

June 30, 2022   •   

In Europe, When Ritual and Legislation Conflict, Religion Is the Loser

The Bible-based practice of infant circumcision and ritual slaughter practiced by Muslims and Jews is under attack.