In its second periodic report on Liechtenstein July 4 and 5, 2017, the Human Rights Committee expressed concerns regarding the impact that manifestations of the close link between State and church in the country could have for the protection of freedom of religion as envisaged in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

According to the Constitution of Liechtenstein, the Roman Catholic Church is the official State Church and is funded by certain municipalities, whereas religious minorities are organized as private associations and must apply for State funding. The Christian Church, for instance, has applied for State funds and currently receives 300,000 Swiss francs per year for its activities.
Although some 73 percent of the Liechtenstein population is Catholic, the Committee called upon the State party to also take the interest of followers of other religions into consideration to ensure an effective implementation of its obligations.
The Human Rights Committee concluding observations with regard to freedom of religion read as follows:
Discrimination on the basis of religion
27. The Committee welcomes the considerable efforts undertaken by the State party to reorganise the relationship between the State and religious communities in order to ensure equality of treatment by the State of all religious denominations. However, the Committee remains concerned at the inability to reach an agreement within the two outstanding municipalities in order to amend the Constitution and the effect that this impasse has in the meantime on religious communities other than the Catholic denomination. (arts. 2, 18 and 27)
28. The State party should ensure that:
(a) efforts are redoubled to reach an agreement within outstanding municipalities in order to amend the Constitution;
(b) funding is provided to religious organisations of all religious communities on a basis of equality and that such funding is not limited to efforts aimed at integration of minority communities; and
(c) the criteria for the recognition of religions guarantees the freedom of religion and belief and freedom to manifest a religion or belief either individually or in community with others, in public or in private, in worship, observance, practice or teaching.