In a public forum March 21 at the Church of Scientology Berlin, former sect commissioner Dr. Peter Schulte, author of Dei Akte Scientology (The Scientology File), described German government collusion to violate the rights of Scientologists and the Scientology religion.

When he became aware of a hidden official policy of social exclusion, Schulte terminated his work with the government and in 2012 published Neue Religiöse Bewegungen (New Religious Movements), a book in which he exposed the campaign to violate the freedom of religion and belief guaranteed by the German constitution.
“The publicly drawn negative image of Scientology is a product of targeted disinformation campaigns by official churches, policymakers and constitutional protection agencies, who, in 20 years, have found no anti-constitutional activities in Scientology.”
In this new book, Schulte analyzes the history and evolution of the Scientology religion in the face of concerted government action. He concludes: “The publicly drawn negative image of Scientology is a product of targeted disinformation campaigns by official churches, policymakers and constitutional protection agencies, who, in 20 years, have found no anti-constitutional activities in Scientology.”
The book publishes confidential federal government documents released only after years of intense legal proceedings. These include data collected by the Federal Criminal Police and Germany’s Office for Protection of the Constitutional that established the innocence of the Scientology religion—documents deliberately kept under wraps while the government continued to generated “anti-cult” hysteria.
After his presentation and a question and answer period, Dr. Schulte was joined by Hans Bschorr, former journalist with government-sponsored ARD public broadcasting consortium. After five years as an ARD TV journalist covering the Bavarian State Parliament, Bschorr was summarily fired for being a Scientologist.
Dr. Shulte ended his presentation stating he hopes this book results in the establishment of real dialogue, free from the prejudice of the past.
From its beginnings, the Church of Scientology has recognized that freedom of religion is a fundamental human right. In a world where conflicts are often traceable to intolerance of others’ religious beliefs and practices, the Church has for more than 50 years made the preservation of religious liberty an overriding concern.
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