First established in the early 1990s in Brussels, the purpose of the Church of Scientology European Office for Public Affairs and Human Rights was advanced June 28 when the Ministry of Justice of Spain registered the Office as a Religious Organization.

The decision was hailed as an important milestone by European Office for Public Affairs and Human Rights Director Ivan Arjona, as it provides a platform to enable the Office to accomplish its humanitarian goals and its commitment to religious freedom and human rights. “Europe is evolving toward a more fair and democratic society,” he said, “where all citizens and nations grant greater importance to fundamental rights, contributing to stronger and more fruitful cooperation among nations in Europe.”
Established in Madrid, the corporation represents Scientologists living in 37 member states of the Council of Europe and operates across Europe and beyond, with headquarters in Brussels and offices in many European cities including Berlin, Copenhagen, Geneva, Paris, Strasbourg, Rome, Vienna and Warsaw.
Article 2 of the Church statutes, filed with its application, confirms the commitment of the Office to “… the European values of Human Dignity, Freedom, Democracy, Equality/Equity, the Rule of Law and Human Rights.”
The approved statutes establish the Office’s territorial scope as “national and European,” acting as “an entity of reference for the entire European territory” and operating as “a purely religious nonprofit organization, which shall be responsible for carrying out its own activities and act as a representative for the various Churches in Europe before national and supranational public and private institutions, fostering that which is set forth in article 17 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and pursuant to article 2.2 of the [Spanish] Organic Law on Religious Freedom.”