Putting the soul into their work is a musician’s goal in delivering a memorable listening experience to their followers, but baring their soul is another thing altogether.

Oxford English Dictionary defines Tao as “the absolute principle underlying the universe… the way, or code of behavior, that is in harmony with the natural order.” To rapper Shad—born Shadrach Kabango in Kenya to Rwandan parents—a life of harmony is the true objective. And his fans seem to adore the ride.
Rap made its first appearance in the early 1970s in the Bronx, when DJ Kool Herc threw a street party complete with two turntables that allowed for mixing, isolating, and repeating beats and rhythms, creating a unique new sound. That sound, combined with lyrics of life and inadequate social and economic conditions in the inner city, resulted in the birth of hip-hop. It served as the voice of youth of that time and place.
As more and more artists jumped on the hip-hop train, it soon became associated with a culture of glitz and glam, with flashy jewels, fancy cars, and overflowing wallets, often the theme of MTV videos and album covers. The message pushed hard to “the dream of excess.”
Shad’s approach to hip-hop is different. It’s best described as a little dance, a lot of rhyme, a hint of pure joy, and subtle messages of positivity and hope woven throughout his craft. Even at the age of 39, his broad, boyish grin combined with his approach to doing the best one can with the tools given makes his work inspiring and his intention clear—“Life can make you bitter or better.”
In his song “God,” Shad shines a light on society’s responsibility to “assist the most vulnerable,” and “rescue anyone in danger.” His main mantra is “truthfulness, patience, commitment,” declaring “these values show the true human being.”
In his song “Black Averageness,” Shad permits his followers to find peace and harmony in a life of less excess but perhaps greater happiness. It’s an inventory check that when the realities of our surroundings and circumstances limit our worldly possibilities, the potential of the heart and mind to mold circumstances into a life well-lived and well-loved proves ever greater.
The album “Tao” is one wise man’s journey in instinctively knowing what matters—and embracing it, then sharing it with an audience longing to quench a thirsty soul.
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