Gerhardus Cornelius (G. C.) (Pippin) Oosthuizen, Th.D., (d. 2010) was a South African professor of religion who taught in the Department of Science and Religion at University of Durban-Westville Natal, South Africa. He was a prolific writer and researcher, in particular on the subject of Christianity in Africa. Dr. Oosthuizen was a member of the Dutch Reform Church and authored or edited numerous books, including Post-Christianity in Africa: A Theological and Anthropological Study (1968); Religion Alive: Studies in the New Movements and Indigenous Churches in Southern Africa: A Symposium (edited, 1986); The Healer-Prophet in Afro-Christian Churches (1991); and Empirical Studies of African Independent/Indigenous Churches (edited, 1992). In recognition of his manifold contributions to the field of religious studies, colleagues honored him in 2006 with a Festschrift entitled The Study of Religion in Southern Africa: Essays in Honour of G. C. Oosthuizen.
Religious Philosophy, Religion and Church

In this article from 1977, Professor G. C. Oosthuizen of South Africa offers an analysis of Scientology in comparison with other religious traditions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Judaism and Christianity. He brings to bear his perspective as a member of the Dutch Reform Church, remarking that the term “church” is a much wider term in the context of religion than “Christian church.” Dr. Oosthuizen’s point is clear: Scientology is indeed a religion, though its status...